This essay plans to compare international criminal tribunal in the former yugoslavia ( icty ) and international war crimes tribunal in rwanda ( ictr ) with international criminal court ( icc ) , and then discusses how to coordinate international and national jurisdictions 从对前南和卢旺达两个法庭与国际刑事法院的管辖权的比较,分析国际性法院如何与国内法院的管辖权进行协调,以及何者更为优先的问题。
The essay plans to explore and research the transition from the following aspects : defining and realizing " the moral education model " ; self - examining and sorting out the merits and demerits of our previous moral education model ; analyzing and researching the challenge from the appearance of chinese society ; exploring the main basis of moral education structure on an even pro founder level ; considering the structure of moral education model 一是界定和认识“道德教育模式” ;二是清理和反思我国原有道德教育模式的利弊;三是从现象层面分析和研究社会转型对原有道德教育模式提出的挑战;四是从深层次分析和研究道德教育模式转变和构建的主要依据;五是对新道德教育模式的构建进行总体上的探索性思考,这是本文研究的重点。